Friday, March 9, 2012

March Mission Madness--Meet the World

By the time you're reading this, we are on the road to St. Simon's Island where we will join with 200 other youth from all over Georgia for the weekend! March Mission Madness (or MMM) is focused on helping students incorporate their faith, their worship, and their missional activity into their everyday lives. Each year our theme challenges students (and adults) to stretch their faith and strengthen their relationship with Christ. Please be in prayer for our students and chaperones this weekend as we seek to dive deeper into our relationships with God.

As a youth minister, I constantly wrestle with how to encourage students to live out their faith right where they are-- in all the avenues of their lives. This is what Jesus urged his followers to do, and this is what we are called to do as well. But as most of us are all too aware, there are so many distractions and so many other voices that demand our attention-- status, self-image, material possessions, relationships, public image, fitting in, hurts, illnesses, worries... the list goes on and on.

So in keeping with my Lenten journey (see last week's post), I've been asking students if there's one thing I can pray for them for as we journey through Lent. This week, here is my prayer for our students:

God of Healing and Comfort,

Be with those we know who are sick and suffering. In the midst of the pain, hurt, and tragedy that exists in our world, give us the strength to remember your promises-- You are near to the brokenhearted, and you draw near to us. Let the warmth of those words comfort those who need it most. Give us the strength and courage to be your hands and feet to the world and to those right in front of us.

In Christ's Name I pray, Amen.

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